Radar sinpleagoa egitea

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Segurtasun Perimetrala/

Perimetroko Zaintza Terminala AXPW60

Detekzio-eremuaUp to 50m (walkers)Up to 60m (walkers)
Target ClassificationWalker, vehicle
Target Velocity0.05m/s~20m/s
Detection AccuracyHigh detection accuracy with low false alert rate
Aldibereko JarraipenaUp to 8 walkers
Protection zonesUp to 4 customized zones
Line-cut Alarm Onartua
Cameras1Channel ,HD 1080 2MP 1920×1080 @25fps H.264 Infrared Supplement Light (Day & Night) 1/2.9″ 2 Megapixel CMOS,, 0.011lux,F1.6
Video/image CaptureFull HD 1080p daylight and lowlight
Strobe Siren Alarm100 dB
Komunikazio InterfazeaRJ45/ RJ485/ Relay*1/ GPIO*2
Mounting heightRecommended 2-3m
Sistema eragileaWindows,Linux
IP balorazioaIP66
Power consumption14W (typical) 30W (peak)
ProtocoTCP / IP
Energia hornidura12V DC 2A / POE
Working Temprature-20 ~ 60°C
  • Produktuaren xehetasunak


Nowadays, the cameras are widely used to detect the intrusion with AI video analytic. However, the cameras has its limitation in detecting particularly under the challenging conditions for examples,at night, rainy, snowy or foggy days.


By adding a radar module to the security camera,the security level can be greatly enforced. The radar can work well in the rain, snow, fog, and even in the night, and it can detect the target with the high resolution. So, this radar video integrated terminal can work all the day and night, and make alarm to the back-end on any intrusion.


Moreover, with connection to alarm panel, remote notification can be realized; with connection to ONVIF network video recorder, intrusion events can be recorded. You will feel comfortable with this new security technology. This radar video integrated terminal has a detection range up to 60 meters for human and also vehicles. It is a very good choice for your security system upgrade.





Detekzio-eremuaUp to 50m (walkers)Up to 60m (walkers)
Target ClassificationWalker, vehicle
Target Velocity0.05m/s~20m/s
Detection AccuracyHigh detection accuracy with low false alert rate
Aldibereko JarraipenaUp to 8 walkers
Protection zonesUp to 4 customized zones
Line-cut Alarm Onartua
Cameras1Channel ,HD 1080 2MP 1920×1080 @25fps H.264 Infrared Supplement Light (Day & Night) 1/2.9″ 2 Megapixel CMOS,, 0.011lux,F1.6
Video/image CaptureFull HD 1080p daylight and lowlight
Strobe Siren Alarm100 dB
Komunikazio InterfazeaRJ45/ RJ485/ Relay*1/ GPIO*2
Mounting heightRecommended 2-3m
Sistema eragileaWindows,Linux
IP balorazioaIP66
Power consumption14W (typical) 30W (peak)
ProtocoTCP / IP
Energia hornidura12V DC 2A / POE
Working Temprature-20 ~ 60°C




Perimetroko segurtasun-alarma softwarea perimetroko zaintza-terminal anitz kudeatzeko da, AI-bideo kutxak segurtasun radar eta bideo-zaintza kamerekin, algoritmo adimendun integratua. Perimetroko segurtasun alarmak kudeatzeko plataformaren softwarea perimetroko segurtasun sistema osoaren ardatza da. Intrusoa alarma eremuan sartzen denean, radar-sentsoreak intrusio-kokapena ematen du detekzio aktiboaren bidez, zehaztasunez zehazten du AI ikusmenaren intrusio mota, intrusio-prozesuaren bideoa grabatzen du, eta perimetroko segurtasun alarmak kudeatzeko plataformari txostenak ematen dizkio, hain aktibo, hiru- dimentsioko monitorizazioa eta perimetroaren alerta goiztiarra lantzen da.



Radar adimenduna AI-bideo perimetroko segurtasun sistemak merkatuko segurtasun sistemarekin funtziona dezake, CCTV eta Alarma Sistema barne.. Perimetroko zaintza terminalek eta AI kutxa adimendunek ONVIF onartzen dute & RTSP, errele eta I/O bezalako alarma-irteerekin ere dator. Gainera, SDK/APIa eskuragarri dago hirugarrenen segurtasun plataforma integratzeko.






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