Simplificando ar radar

Correo electró


Ntsuni perimetral/

Terminal ja ya perimetral AXPL200

Rango detecciónUp to 220m
Target ClassificationWalker, vehicle, Other
Target Velocity0.05m/s~30m/s
Detection AccuracyHigh detection accuracy with low false alert rate
Seguimiento simultáneoUp to 32 targets
Protection zonesUp to 4 customized zones
Line-cut AlarmSoportado
Camera2Channel ,HD 1080 2MP 1920×1080 @25fps H.264 Infrared Supplement Light (Day & Night) 1/2.8″ 2 Megapixel CMOS, 0.0005lux,F2.0
Ar klase ar radarFMCW MIMO RADAR 24GHz, FOV20°
Video/image CaptureFull HD 1080p daylight and lowlight
Strobe Siren Alarm110dB with broadcast(Optional)
Interfaz comunicación10/100/1000M Auto-Negotiating Ethernet Port, RJ45;Relay*1 (0.5A/125VAC);GPIO Optocoupler*1 (10mA/5V, Opto isolated 2500Vrms)
Mounting heightRecommended 2-4m
Ko operativoWindows,Linux
Clasificación IPIP66
Power consumption70W (peak)
ProtocolTCP / IP
Fuente alimentación24V DC 5A
Working Temprature-40℃~70℃
Be̲xu5 kg
  • Detalles ar producto


The AXPL- and AXPW- series intelligent perimeter surveillance terminals adopt state-of-the-art multi-sensor technology and multi-stage decision making hierarchy to maximize situational awareness. The terminal comes with built-in radar and cameras, plus smart target recognition and classification, all inside a single unit. The terminal is reliable with highly accurate detection of intrusions and very low false alarm rate. By adopting a software framework based on machine learning, it is able to rapidly adapt to the various environmental changes of the installation site, ensuring system accuracy and optimal user experience. It can be used for perimeter security of parking lots, data centers, commerical buildings, and important infrastructures in a variety of settings.



Rango detecciónUp to 220m
Target ClassificationWalker, vehicle, Other
Target Velocity0.05m/s~30m/s
Detection AccuracyHigh detection accuracy with low false alert rate
Seguimiento simultáneoUp to 32 targets
Protection zonesUp to 4 customized zones
Line-cut AlarmSoportado
Camera2Channel ,HD 1080 2MP 1920×1080 @25fps H.264 Infrared Supplement Light (Day & Night) 1/2.8″ 2 Megapixel CMOS, 0.0005lux,F2.0
Ar klase ar radarFMCW MIMO RADAR 24GHz, FOV20°
Video/image CaptureFull HD 1080p daylight and lowlight
Strobe Siren Alarm110dB with broadcast(Optional)
Interfaz comunicación10/100/1000M Auto-Negotiating Ethernet Port, RJ45;Relay*1 (0.5A/125VAC);GPIO Optocoupler*1 (10mA/5V, Opto isolated 2500Vrms)
Mounting heightRecommended 2-4m
Ko operativoWindows,Linux
Clasificación IPIP66
Power consumption70W (peak)
ProtocolTCP / IP
Fuente alimentación24V DC 5A
Working Temprature-40℃~70℃
Be̲xu5 kg




Software alarma ntsuni perimetral ar pa administrar múltiples terminales ja ya perimetral, Cajas vídeo ko IA radar ntsuni ne ya cámaras videovigilancia, Algoritmo inteligente mfaxte. Ar software ar plataforma gestión alarmas ntsuni perimetral ar made nga̲tho ko ya ntsuni perimetral. Nu'bu̲ ar intruso ku̲t'i ja ya xe̲ni alarma, Sensor radar proporciona ar ja yá 'mui ar intrusión a través de ar detección activa, determina ko precisión ar klase ar intrusión ko ar visión IA, Graba 'nar video proceso intrusión, ne reporta ar plataforma gestión alarmas ntsuni perimetral, ngut'ä activo, Hñu ya- Ar aborda ar monitoreo dimensional ne ar nja̲pu̲kaso xí temprana ar ar perímetro.



Ko ya ntsuni perimetral video ko IA radar inteligente to funcionar ko ko ya ntsuni jár ta̲i, incluidos CCTV ne ko alarma. Ya terminales ja ya perimetral ne ya cajas inteligentes IA ge ja ya xeni ONVIF & RTSP (ko ar ingles), 'nehe ku̲hu̲ ko salidas alarma komongu relé ne E/S. 'Nehe, ar SDK yá API xi disponible pa ar integración plataformas ntsuni terceros.




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