The AXPD3000 drone detection radar is a 3D radar that is costeffective with great performance, ngarojong 360 ° deteksi kontinyu tina mini-UAVs nepi ka 3 km. Cai mibanda kamampuhan pikeun ngaidentipikasi nepi ka 50 sasaran sakaligus kalawan jarak, azimuth, jangkungna, jeung data speed. Éta sampurna pikeun aplikasi anti-UAV pikeun fasilitas koréksi, bandara, infrastruktur kritis, kilang minyak, jeung acara nasional jsb.
Modél | AXPD3000 |
Jenis Radar | Frékuénsi Modulated Continuous Gelombang (FMCW) |
Pita frékuénsi | K Band |
Daya Transmisi | ≤10W |
Bandwidth | 40MHz |
Jenis Scan | Nyeken mékanis |
Laju Scan | 10 rpm (60°/s)& 20 rpm (120°/s) |
Rentang deteksi | 250m~3km (RCS=0.01m²) |
Resolusi rentang | ±2m (RCS=0.01m²) |
Médan Éféktif of View (Horizontal) | 0° ~ 360° |
Médan Éféktif of View (Nangtung) | 0° ~ 90°(adjustable) |
Beam élévasi | 30° (RCS=0.01m²) |
Laju Target anu tiasa dideteksi | 1.4~30m/s (4.6~98.4ft/s) RCS = 0,01 m² (0.11ft²) |
Nyukcruk sakaligus | ≥50 |
Kakuatan Sistim | 100~240V AC(50/60Hz) |
Konsumsi Daya | ≤150W |
Peunteun IP | IP65 |
Suhu Operasi | -40℃~60℃/ ≤95%(RH) |
Diménsi éksternal Unit Radar | 740*600*600 mm (29.1*23.6*23.6 di) |
Beurat Unit Radar (Kira-kira.) | ≤30kg /≤66.2lbs |
Antarbeungeut Komunikasi | RJ45 |
Positioning GPS | Dirojong |
Anti-UAV Defense System is composed of front-end equipments such as detection radar, RF detector, E/O tracking camera, RF jamming or spoofing device and UAV control platform software. When the droneenters the defense zone, the detection unit outputs accurate position information through active distance, sudut, speed and height. On entering the warning zone, the system will determine independently and start the jamming device to interfere the drone communication, so as to make the drone returning or landing. The system supports multi devices and multi zones management and can realize 7*24 all-weather monitoring and protection against drone invasion.
Anti-UAV Defense System consists of radar or RF detection unit, EO tracking unit and jamming unit. The system integrates target detection, tracking & recognition, command & control on jamming, multi functions in one. Based on different application scenarios, the system can be flexibly deployed into an optimal solution by choosing different detection unit and jamming device. AUDS can be fixed installation, vehicle mobile mounted or portable. By fixed installation type, AUDS is widely used in high level security protection site, vehicle mounted type is normally used for routine patrol or more, and portable type is used a lot for temporary prevention & control in key conference, sport events, concert etc.