Dèan radar nas sìmplidhe



Dìon Drone/

Camara tracadh E/O AXPC3000

Monitoring DistanceHD Camera3000~5000m
Thermal CameraDuine (1.8m×0.5m)Carbad (2.3m×2.3m)UAV(0.3m×0.3m)
Thermal DetectorDetectorUncooled microbolometer focal plane array (Vox)
Spectral Range8~14μm
NETD≤50mK@F1.0, 300K
Image ProcessDDE, pseudo color
Thermal LensFocal Length30~150mm, 5xzoom
F ValueF1.0~F1.2
Lens ControlE-zoom, e-focus, auto focus
HD CameraSensor Type1/1.8′′ Progressive Scan CMOS
Coding FormatH.264/H.265
Video Resolution25fps(2688×1520), support dual stream
Camera controlAGC, auto balance, auto backlight compensation, 3D digital noise reduce
HD LensFocal Length15.6~500mm, 32×
Lens ControlE-zoom, e-focus, auto focus, auto iris
InterfaceSolar cumhachdWide range waterproof power adapter, AC90-295V, power consumption ≤180W
Network Interface1×10Base-T/100Base-TX, RJ 45
Environment indicatorsTemperatureWorking -25℃~+55℃(-40℃~+65℃ optional), Storage -40℃~+65℃
Protection GradeIP66
  • Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh


The optoelectronic tracking device has a built-in high-definition visible light through fog network camera plus a laser infrared fill light, built-in intelligent target detection and tracking algorithm, and realizes 24-hour uninterrupted target recognition and tracking in visible light, low illumination, severe haze weather, and nighttime . The fuselage is made of high-strength shock-absorbing alloy die-casting shell, and the overall three-proof spraying, heat insulation, high temperature and cold resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, and good wind resistance and shock absorption performance.



Monitoring DistanceHD Camera3000~5000m
Thermal CameraDuine (1.8m×0.5m)Carbad (2.3m×2.3m)UAV(0.3m×0.3m)
Thermal DetectorDetectorUncooled microbolometer focal plane array (Vox)
Spectral Range8~14μm
NETD≤50mK@F1.0, 300K
Image ProcessDDE, pseudo color
Thermal LensFocal Length30~150mm, 5xzoom
F ValueF1.0~F1.2
Lens ControlE-zoom, e-focus, auto focus
HD CameraSensor Type1/1.8′′ Progressive Scan CMOS
Coding FormatH.264/H.265
Video Resolution25fps(2688×1520), support dual stream
Camera controlAGC, auto balance, auto backlight compensation, 3D digital noise reduce
HD LensFocal Length15.6~500mm, 32×
Lens ControlE-zoom, e-focus, auto focus, auto iris
InterfaceSolar cumhachdWide range waterproof power adapter, AC90-295V, power consumption ≤180W
Network Interface1×10Base-T/100Base-TX, RJ 45
Environment indicatorsTemperatureWorking -25℃~+55℃(-40℃~+65℃ optional), Storage -40℃~+65℃
Protection GradeIP66

Tha Siostam Dìon an-aghaidh UAV air a dhèanamh suas de uidheamachd aghaidh leithid radar lorgaidh, Lorgaire RF, Camara tracadh E / O, Inneal RF jamming no spoofing agus bathar-bog àrd-ùrlar smachd UAV. Nuair a thig an drone a-steach don raon dìon, bidh an aonad lorgaidh a’ toirt a-mach fiosrachadh suidheachaidh ceart tro astar gnìomhach, ceàrn, luaths agus àirde. Nuair a thig thu a-steach don raon rabhaidh, socraichidh an siostam gu neo-eisimeileach agus tòisichidh e air an inneal jamming gus casg a chuir air conaltradh drone, gus toirt air an drone tilleadh no tighinn air tìr. Bidh an siostam a’ toirt taic do riaghladh ioma-innealan agus ioma-sònaichean agus is urrainn dha a thoirt gu buil 7*24 sgrùdadh làn-aimsire agus dìon an aghaidh ionnsaigh drone.



Tha siostam dìon an-aghaidh UAV air a dhèanamh suas de aonad lorg radar no RF, Aonad tracadh EO agus aonad jamming. Bidh an siostam a’ toirt a-steach lorg targaidean, tracadh & aithne, àithne & smachd air jamming, ioma-ghnìomhan ann an aon. Stèidhichte air diofar shuidheachaidhean tagraidh, faodar an siostam a chuir a-steach gu sùbailte ann am fuasgladh as fheàrr le bhith a’ taghadh aonad lorgaidh eadar-dhealaichte agus inneal jamming. Faodar AUDS a stàladh stèidhichte, càr gluasadach no so-ghiùlain. A rèir an seòrsa stàlaidh stèidhichte, Tha AUDS air a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann an làrach dìon tèarainteachd àrd-ìre, mar as trice bithear a’ cleachdadh seòrsa carbaid airson faire àbhaisteach no barrachd, agus tha seòrsa so-ghiùlain air a chleachdadh gu mòr airson casg sealach & smachd ann am prìomh cho-labhairt, tachartasan spòrs, cuirm-chiùil msaa.



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