Nyieun Radar Basajan



Kaamanan perimeter/

Smart AI-video Box AXPB-120

Protection zonesSupports 4 include zones,8 exclude zones
Real_Time Clock(RTC)Dirojong
Deep Learning AlgorithmDirojong
Camera2 channels supporting 1080P Bullet or PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) Speed Dome, with H.264 video decoding support.
Network protocolOnvifTCP/IP
panganteur komunikasiEthernet 1000M & RS485 Serial Port*1NO/NC/COM Relay *1;GPIO *2
Power supply12V DC 2A
Power consumption12W
Mounting height1-2m
Operating temperature-25℃ ~ +65℃,40%-90%RH,without condensation
Diménsi235 *103 *35 mm
Supporting softwareWeb client
Sistem operasiLinux4.19Windows
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Smart Radar AI-Video Box is a smart hardware device with powerful algorithm, and works with perimeter radar to create seamless interaction with bullet and PTZ cameras. Radar actively detects any potential intrusion in the zone, and video camera will see to the zone and make video analytic confirmation. With this, the alarm accuracy is increased, and false alert rate is lowered dramatically.

Simply install the hardware, open the web interface in your web browser, add cameras and calibrate, set alert zones, and then sit back and relax. The Smart Radar AI-Video Box has an automatic track & classification on targets built inside.

The Smart Radar AI-Video Box can be added to our perimeter security platform software, and display the radar zone and intrusion track on GIS map, alarm video can pop up and be recorded. With radar and camera, it works as one reliable detector for the alarm zone.

Now this box can support all our radar models for both perimeter and area surveillance protection. It works with third party ONVIF PTZ and bullet cameras as well. So it can improve existing CCTV system by adding radar together.



Protection zonesSupports 4 include zones,8 exclude zones
Real_Time Clock(RTC)Dirojong
Deep Learning AlgorithmDirojong
Camera2 channels supporting 1080P Bullet or PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) Speed Dome, with H.264 video decoding support.
Network protocolOnvifTCP/IP
panganteur komunikasiEthernet 1000M & RS485 Serial Port*1NO/NC/COM Relay *1;GPIO *2
Power supply12V DC 2A
Power consumption12W
Mounting height1-2m
Operating temperature-25℃ ~ +65℃,40%-90%RH,without condensation
Diménsi235 *103 *35 mm
Supporting softwareWeb client
Sistem operasiLinux4.19Windows



Parangkat lunak alarem kaamanan perimeter nyaéta pikeun ngatur sababaraha terminal panjagaan perimeter, Kotak AI-video sareng radar kaamanan sareng kaméra panjagaan pidéo, algoritma pinter terpadu. Parangkat lunak platform manajemén alarem kaamanan perimeter mangrupikeun hub sadaya sistem kaamanan perimeter. Sabot intruder asup ka wewengkon zona alarm, sensor radar delivers lokasi intrusion ngaliwatan deteksi aktip, akurat nangtukeun jenis intrusion kalawan visi AI, ngarekam video tina prosés intrusion, sareng ngalaporkeun ka platform manajemén alarem kaamanan perimeter, jadi aktip, tilu- monitoring diménsi sarta warning awal perimeter nu kajawab.



Sistem kaamanan perimeter AI-video pinter radar tiasa dianggo sareng sistem kaamanan di pasar kalebet CCTV sareng Sistem Alarm. Terminal panjagaan perimeter sareng kotak AI pinter ngadukung ONVIF & RTSP, ogé hadir sareng kaluaran alarem sapertos relay sareng I / O. Salian ti éta, SDK / API geus sadia pikeun integrasi platform kaamanan pihak katilu.





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