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Радарны модуль/

Радарны модуль выяўлення падзення ASA07

FunctionsFall & Presence Detection, Motion & Motionless, Heat-map, Target Trajectory & Speed
Modulation ModeFMCW
Transmit Frequency60ГГц
Transceiver Channel3TX / 4RX
Powered byDC 5V/2A Max
Detection Distance7м (23футаў)
Beamwidth (azimuth)-45°~45°
Beamwidth (pitch)-45°~45°
Communication interfaceUART
Спажываная магутнасць
Памеры (L*W)43.5×45mm (1.7×1.8in)
  • Падрабязная інфармацыя аб прадукце


ASW02, ASA07 series are mmWave radar sensors that are ideal for applications such as fall detection, heart rate and respiratory rate detection as well as sleep monitoring. Featured by designs of FMCW modulation with high complexity and performance, along with advanced radar algorithm accompanied by deep machine learning, this line of radar modules provides excel user experiences with great AOP.


FunctionsFall & Presence Detection, Motion & Motionless, Heat-map, Target Trajectory & Speed
Modulation ModeFMCW
Transmit Frequency60ГГц
Transceiver Channel3TX / 4RX
Powered byDC 5V/2A Max
Detection Distance7м (23футаў)
Beamwidth (azimuth)-45°~45°
Beamwidth (pitch)-45°~45°
Communication interfaceUART
Спажываная магутнасць
Памеры (L*W)43.5×45mm (1.7×1.8in)



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