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AxEnd ISC ويسٽ تي سيڪيورٽي پراڊڪٽس جي Xiphos لائن کي شروع ڪري ٿو 2022

ISC اولهه ۾ 2022 لاس ويگاس ۾ AxEnd متعارف ڪرايو پنهنجي Xiphos لائين آف سيڪيورٽي ريڊار پروڊڪٽس سميت Xiphos: Linear Perimeter Surveillance System and the Xiphos: Dome Anti Drone system. AxEnd received a warm reception at the exhibit and made great contacts in the security sector. We are very excited to have our foot in the door in the security space and look forward to bringing more good news as we move forward from our first security exhibit.



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    رياضي ڪيپچا + 28 = 29